Saturday, March 14, 2009

Insight two

No customer will ever order their Starbucks drink correctly. I had two solid weeks of training and have now worked there for four months and I still don't get it right. So how in the world can an UNTRAINED person ever be expected to know what in the heck to say. So, here's how it's done....first, tell me if it's iced. Then, the size, then what it is (latte, mocha, etc), then tell me if you're going to want extra shots of coffee. That would be, I'll have an iced grande latte with an extra shot of espresso. Okay, then let me know if you want any special milks or syrups. Whole milk? Non fat? Vanilla? Hazelnut? Then, the little things...light ice, no foam, extra hot. Half decaffeinated, one-third whole milk/two-thirds 1%, 4 pumps of raspberry and 1 pump vanilla. Yes. It's true. The kicker is that if someone orders their entire drink and says "iced" at the end instead of at the beginning, I have to cancel everything out and start over, trying to remember it's a grandeicedlattewith3pumpscaramel2pumpstoffeenutwholemilknofoam drink. Here's a recent drive-thru window conversation......

Me: Hi, welcome to Starbucks, this is Jill, how are you doing today?
Guest: Great.
Me: Can I start you off with a muffin or some of our tasty oatmeal this morning?
Guest: No. I'll have a grande mocha with a latte on top.
Me: (thinking, HUH?) I'm sorry I didn't get that last part. You want a Grande mocha? Is that correct?
Guest: Yes, with a latte on top.
Me: (Trying not to laugh into the headset): I'm sorry, I'm not hearing you very well. That was a mocha with vanilla?
Me: I'm so sorry. We have mochas and we have lattes but they're two separate drinks. (Thinking...Hahahahaha) Which one of those were you wanting?
Guest: Oh. Okay, I'll have a mocha.

Most people, however, know what they want....

Me: Hi, welcome to Starbucks, this is Jill, how are you doing today?
Guest: Great.
Me: Can I start you off with a muffin or some of our tasty oatmeal this morning?
Guest: No, but I'll have a grande two pump mocha, with one pump vanilla and three pumps of peppermint, no whip cream, whole milk, with an extra shot of espresso in a venti cup. Can I also have that at 180 degrees?
Me: I'm sorry, that was a mocha...with...?
Guest: (They repeat their order)
Me: Okay, that was a grande in a venti cup? And how many shots of peppermint?
Guest: (They repeat their order)
Me: Okay, and that had an extra shot?


1 comment:

Ms. Sushi said...

Thank you, I really needed this. I order differently every time I go and always feel stupid doing it. Starbucks should put out an informational pamphlet.