Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Yesterdays news

The reason I had no picture of the beautiful vase (see yesterdays post) is that it was NOT a vase but a teapot. My bad. And I do have a picture and it is on the flyer. And a big thank you to the Coconino Center for the Arts for putting it on the flyer. And just to clear up matters in my own household....I LOVE having three kilns in the backyard. Really. Heck no, it doesn't bother or upset me in the least. No, really. I absolutely was NOT complaining. Hahahaha.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Quick and Easy

This is a funny site. Some guy just writes down a sentence or two from his 73 year old dad. It's simple and will make you laugh...

Here's Jay on Halloween. I am so wearing this mask next year.

Speaking of my son, he was voted onto the Allstars team for basketball. When he got the phone call, he just grinned for hours. It's been his dream for YEARS and he would always ask me, mom, do you think I'll ever be on the Allstars team? and I would always say, No, you're just not agressive enough on the court, and then this year he starts going for rebounds and BAM he's on the team. We go to Anaheim in April for the big game. Cool.

Barry's wonderful pottery got into a show here called It's Elemental. He entered this very beautiful vase that I do not have a picture of. Check out the Barry ware (He's going to HATE that I wrote that) at We have three, yes, three, kilns in the backyard.

I have all my Christmas shopping done. Sweet.