Sunday, February 10, 2008


So, my birthday was yesterday. I love birthdays. And not just my own. I think birthdays are like a personal, private New Year's Eve. That's always when I make my resolutions and feel like I have a fresh start. I made prime rib and Yorkshire pudding on Friday with a few girlfriends (It was so good and none of us had ever done it before) and then Jay and I went out for a sushi lunch on Saturday. He is a great gifter already at ten years old. He picked out this stained glass dragonfly and a polished rock in the shape of a heart.

We were sitting there at the sushi bar, eating our shrimp tempura rolls, and this song comes on. It was one of those songs that you can't remember the name of (It was all piano music) but I knew it had meant something at one point in my life and it was familiar and took me back somewhere but I just couldn't quite place it. So that got me all sentimental. Then, Somewhere Over The Rainbow comes on (I AM from Kansas), and that got me to thinking about my mom and dad and how this is my first birthday as an orphan. Then, The Way We Were comes on and I had the tears going. What a DORK! Jay looks over at me and just stares. I said (blubbered), I just love these songs. He must think I am so weird. And anyway, it's really just another day.

This was me on my second birthday. I thought a little man lived inside the camera and painted our pictures and I liked to wave at him. I don't think I'm an overly obnoxious person but I do like to tell people it's my birthday. If I'm going trough the check-out at Target, I tell the person ringing my stuff up. If I'm getting a bagel or a coffee, I tell the cashier. Hi, It's my birthday. They always say Happy Birthday. I don't expect free stuff or a ticker tape parade, I just like having lots of people wish me Happy Birthday. I like birthdays so much I want to have a hundred of them.

Cheers to a new year and another chance for
us to get it right.
-- Oprah Winfrey


Brook Ann ( the Great ) said...

Jill, I love that you love your birthday. I love my birthday, too. It bothers me so bad when people are all humbug about their birthdays. I mean come on, what is bad about a celebrating the day that I was born, and that I am still living and learning and doing, and besides, who doesn't like gifts? I think it is so great. It sounds like your birthday was good, I hope so. Let me wish you a very Happy Birthday ( one day late )

Whispering Willow said...

Happy belated Birthday! I like that you like your birthday. Birthdays make me happy too. Whenever someone comes to where I work and I notice they have the same birthday as me (usually just the day), I can't help but letting them know it's my birthday too. Jay is a good gift giver. That is a lovely stained glass dragonfly. Much better choice than many of the gifts I got my parents as a kid. :)

matthew said...

happy birthday

when you typed "it's really just another day", i heard the paul's voice sing: "it's just another day". pretty perfect.

Michael said...

Well, shuckydarns: Happy Belated Birthday, girl!!