Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I am so remiss. Here is a fact...I'm a writer. I love this whole blog thing. But I haven't been very consistent about writing lately. Then, tonight I read my blogfriend Jen's truthful/funny/poignant blog about losing her virginity to a circus clown, and my blogfriend Imez' truthful/funny/poignant blog about falling apart at a wedding, and I thought, holy crap, my posts are really getting shallow.

It's not that I don't have things to write about, I just can't really write about them.
Over the last couple months I have collected the "chicken coop in the backyard" story, the "going to therapy with my son" story, the unbelievable "night in jail" story, and of course, the "I may have found a good man and be ready to break my vow to NEVER write about relationships" story. But for a plethora of reasons, I have chosen not to write about those things. Right now. (Someday you'll be riveted by the mounting suspense of "the morning I realized SHE was a rooster" and the melancholy recounting of "graffiti on the cement walls of the slammer")

So, instead, my blog has been reduced to sound bites about my longing for year round school and the fact I actually have a JOB. Sorry. Hang in there while I push poems and quotes and tidbits about what I had to eat at the FAIR your way.

Oh, okay, I guess I do have one thing. Wait, I don't want to talk about that one either. Damn. I guess it's back to sound bites for a little while longer...

Register to vote. And vote for who I want you to. Thank you.

Regarding the above sentence, yes, I know I end sentences with prepositions. BUT, I found the following in the American Heritage Dictionary so take note all you literati....
"There is nothing inherently bad about ending a sentence with a preposition. Such placement may cause awkwardness by giving undue stress to the preposition or it may provide a weak ending. But often, the final position is the only natural one for the preposition." See asterisk * below

I do not like drawing names for Christmas presents. I want to buy for who I want to buy for. There.

I have enough potted plants. I want cut flowers. Irises. Yes, I know they die eventually. But then I get to be done. I can enjoy them, maybe take a couple pictures. Then they go away.

*My biggest fault is that I think I'm right most of the time. The problem is, I usually am.

(I have the urge to follow that statement with one about gratefulness just to redeem my arrogance but I'm not gonna do it)

I'm reading some good books....A Thousand Names For Joy by Byron Katie, Poemcrazy by Susan Wooldridge, and those teen vampire books by Stephanie Meyers (THAT revelation was a bit embarrassing).

"We walked through night 'til night was a poem"
--Brenda Hillman
(what does she mean by "night" anyway? Is it night as in the time of day, or is it night as in darkness, sorrow, the hidden, the lost?) (Anyway, great quote)

Friday, September 5, 2008


Wow, what happened to August?! I was going to write about it this morning but I WAS WORKING AT MY NEW JOB. Oh, fine, I was working for two hours. I suppose that anyone who listens to me talk about this wants to stick a sock in my mouth. Yes, I have a new job. A job in an office. At a desk. Under florescent lights. I file and write data on forms. I try and figure out escrows. I look up addresses on the MLS. I work for a Realtor. I cannot say anything bad about this. I was offered the job. I took it. Twenty hours a week. The bosses talk about getting me my real estate license. Sweet. Not. Okay, actually, it's just not me. I don't know what direction I'm going on this, only that I've figured out ONE MORE THING I do not want to be.

Back to August. My son went back to school. Whooo-Who! I love my boy but I would have a nervous breakdown if the school week was only three days long. I'm all for year round school, and if I had the time you'd probably see me outside the grocery store armed with a petition on a clipboard.

The fair. We didn't enter a darn thing this year. We went and ate fair food. Cotton candy. Funnel cakes. Chicken on a stick. Played the games. For the first time, Jay lost more than he won. That was good. It's scary when your child's experiences with gambling turn out well. We didn't do any rides (after the tilt-a-whirl last year I kinda gave that up) but we did check out the animals.

On relationships; here's one of my favorite quotes;
"I don't think it's the other person's responsibility to make you whole. It's the other person's responsibility to make you laugh, to give you a dance now and then, to read the newspaper and tell you about things you don't have time to read about, to introduce you to music you don't fight fair, to be good in bed, to say, 'come on, let's go have an adventure' when you've become a little bit of a stick in the mud."
--Susan Sarandon

I've had that quote on my fridge for twelve years and never met anyone that I thought could do that. Until now.

Jay asked me this question tonight....
Does the world have it's own birthday?

Tidbits. Dim sum. Tasty morsels. I love how that can relate to food or, or, or...ANYTHING! Little yummy pieces. Tidbits and dim sum are just other ways to say tasty morsels. In the thesaurus (I LOVE the thesaurus) it lists these others; nibbly, goody, and delicacies. I love words. I think Tasty Morsels would be a great name for a book of poetry. Haiku. Oh, and get this; I'm not teaching poetry this semester. First semester in YEARS. I didn't have enough students. Instead I'm working in an office. Under fluorescent lights.

Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard.
--Anne Sexton