Friday, November 5, 2010

Use A Pen......

Okay, here's the deal. I will be hosting a little poetry reading at this great bar, Uptown Billiards, on Wednesday. I decided the theme would be "Cocktail Napkin Poems." This would be any poem written, or sounding like it was written, on a cocktail napkin. I'm thinking Bukowski, Hemingway, etc... poems that might be on the shorter side. BUT, I will also read poems written by YOU! Or, you can come read them yourself. So, when you're out this weekend, write a poem on a cocktail napkin and e-mail the poem to me. Do it!!!! Just get the poem to me by Wednesday afternoon. Yay! Six o'clock Wednesday night. I will write a poem too...probably tonight....possibly at Uptown Billiards.


beansai said...

Oooo! I will totally try to get a poem to you! Wish I could come up and read myself... maybe I'll see if I can wing it. Otherwise I will just go for the email option. :) Love the blog's redesign by the way!

jill or jay said...

Hi Bean, I can't wait for the poem! I like your photo blog. Would love to see you too....I wasn't sure where you were living these days. Thanks for the comments - I decided I needed a new look if I was going to start blogging again.