Thursday, November 8, 2007

Writer's Block

The weirdest thing happened. I think I got blog-writer's-block. For over a week I was unable to blog. I thought about it during the day...hmmmmmm, what should I write about today? I carried my camera everywhere thinking I might be graced with an amazing incident or cool experience that I could capture and write about. No deal. Then, weirder still, I started to feel boring. Yes, BORING. As in, I have nothing to say and no way to say it. As in, nothing EVER happens to me (whine....).

Oh well, I'm back, making myself push through the muck that's in my brain, trying to stay right on the edge of boring but not topple in. So, I thought I'd start off with my stomach flu experience. October 30, 1:25 am, I wake up from a wonderfully sound sleep with that feeling of, holy crap I better get to the toilet. After one delightful hurl (sorry), I remembered that I had this prescription for not-vomiting, It's called phenergan. I fumbled around in the make-up drawer, throwing hair ties and lip gloss everywhere, and opened the child proof bottle (score!). Pop one down and, I kid you not, in five minutes I was stellar, all nausea gone, all stomach spasms dissipated.....and so tired I had to crawl to bed. But it works. But man, what a sleep. I was down. I slept until 4:25 pm the next day (Halloween). You may thank me later that there are no pictures on this post :)

Halloween night - totally uneventful as I was still groggy. The usual m.o. is tom and jerry's (the drinks, not the cartoon) as we moms walk the kids around the neighborhood. Instead I had a teeny tiny taste of the infamous drink (thanks Tim) and walked until I could walk no more, acted grouchy toward friends, and went home.

Since then I've gone on an awesome field trip to Jerome with my son's fourth grade class. We camped and looked at old buildings and learned about mining. The kids really loved it but mostly enjoyed visiting the gift shops. And I found a great book called Soiled Doves - Prostitution in the Early West by Anne Seagraves. It's really interesting damnit. It's historical! I was going to state next that I'd just like my life to be a series of field trips, but then I realized that it kind of IS a series of field trips.

My own book is at the printer's. I should have a copy by Christmas. Cool. I haven't been writing much poetry. It's kind of like when I was twelve and did a walk-a-thon. Twenty flipping miles. I did it. Got pledges, kept on a walking, drank Gatorade (ewww), finished all twenty miles. I was beat! Never went on another one of those. Done. Been there, done that. I haven't written much since I found out my book would be published. Damn. I will though. I've been collecting titles in my head. Not telling any of them yet. I like to write the poem after I have the title.

Whew! It looks like I've broken through. No pictures (which is a first), but a scant amount of writing spewed (I shouldn't use that word in this post) forth. Of course, a little fun and super eventful times over the next week would certainly help.

I really like this following quote but I cannot for the life of me figure out why it was said by the Dell Crossword.
Success is not permanent. The same is also true of failure.
--Dell Crossword

1 comment:

Whispering Willow said...

Welcome back to blog land. That is a bummer about getting sick, that is never a delightful experience. I can definitely relate to that Blog can be daunting, even though it is just a blog. I find it especially frustrating when my blog stats stare at me, proving that I've had no visitors for a few days because there is nothing new to read...

That is really exciting about your book of poetry being at the printers and you'll get back into writing mode when you're ready... :)