Archie would like everyone to know that his ear is fixed. It appears that when dogs are teething, one ear may become a bit droopy and when they are done teething, they return to their original position. That is weird. What could cause the ears to be tied to the teething process? There are so many interesting wonderments out there. Also, I found this nest. It was hanging off our ornamental plum tree. It was just hanging by a (literal) thread. I think it was the home of hummingbirds as it's very small and there were hummingbirds flitting about that tree all the time. I'm going to set it in the Christmas tree. My mom used to have one in our tree when I was a kid and supposedly it brought good luck. I'm a proponent of good luck. I eat black eyed peas on New Years Day, put heads up pennies in my shoe, and am constantly on the look out for good omens. Some examples of good omens from the past are; having a hummingbird or butterfly bathe in the water spray from the hose as I water the garden, or seeing a double rainbow that is unbroken. There are also wishes everywhere. Such as, you can make a wish when you take that first bite from a piece of pie, the pointy bite at the front. I'm not sure where I learned that one but it sounds good to me. You can wish on gray horses if you lick your thumb and then stamp your hand. It's endless. I also like black cats and feel good about the number thirteen. The only thing that I would ever see as bad luck is walking under a ladder so I never do that. Speaking of black cats, we carved a pumpkin today. We have two more to do before Wednesday. I find the bright orange insides to be just beautiful, in a gross, slimy way. And the seeds...what's up with that? I always cut out the recipes for roasting them, and they always look so yummy in the pictures, but when I make them they kind of taste like salty, shredded bits of kindling. Jay carved his first all-on-his-own jack-o-lantern. It looks quite traditional and has mean eyebrows and fangs. I've decided that I'd like a nice, small electric saw to carve mine with. I see all these very cool, creatively done pumpkins on the Internet and in magazines as I'm in the check-out line but I can never get past the triangle eyes, triangle nose, and toothy grin. I've decided I must just need more tools.
Here are my picks for good, scary movies....The Devil's Rejects (Rob Zombie film). Of course, Halloween one. Silence of the Lambs. The Shining. Those are all fairly old. Ghost Story. I love scary movies but I can see from my list that I need to peruse the local Blockbuster soon. Now, take this guy. He's one scary ass m.f. (Did I just write that?) That's why I cut off his head. Hehehe. Okay, true confession, tonight when I went outside to take the picture of the pumpkin, I was totally scared standing on my own front porch. I heard spooky noises (coming from decorations I put up) and everything was all dark and there were two frightening ghouls (that I stuffed this afternoon) sitting in lawn chairs. But it was STILL scary! Can't wait till Halloween.
I looked for a scary quote and this was one of the scariest I could find....
"It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it."
--George Bush
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