Moving on. I went to Vegas last weekend. I LOVE Vegas. Sit me at a Roulette table for 6 hours with fifty bucks and I'm a happy gal. It's a very weird, glitzy, surreal place and I love it. Took my boy, and we met Suzy and her two girls. Three kids, two moms, swimming, nice digs (thank you brother John), and a nanny on Saturday night. We took the kids to see Stomp and made breakfast burritos in the morning to be frugal. Great vacation. And I was happy to get home.
My mom is wonderful. She gets coke floats everyday. She does not have to eat her spinach if she makes a face after one bite. She has these "mom" mannerisms that have resurfaced after the cease in meds. That seroquel has its place but can sure flatten a person out. She still inspires me every day to be alive. She smiles and gives these little laughs. Here's a funny story about her. She came into my bedroom once when I was about eleven. She was not a kidding/jokester type mom. She stood in my doorway and said, "You know those round toothpaste drops that you always leave in the sink? I was reading in Reader's Digest that you can pop them off the porcelain and use them as mints." I just sat there, quite unsure how to react. Really?!, I thought. She just smiled and walked back down the hall, and I thought, "wow, she's kidding. My mom made a joke." I had a totally new and impressive view of my mom after that day.
And finally, on the creativity front; my chair is going well, the drawer is shaping up nicely, I'm writing a poem here and there, and the hats are being knitted. I do have to say, however, that the bottles being painted to bottle the ESB beer that we're brewing came out horrid. (Pictures of all of this will appear shortly). I've only done three so far but they look absolutely stupid. I was looking at them today and thinking -- wow, yuck, bad job. So, I'll just have to start over on THAT project. But I did get a perverse thrill out of knowing that sometimes creativity is just f**ked up.
Funny quote of the day....
"When I die, I want to die like my grandfather--who died peacefully in
his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car."
--Author Unknown
I'd love to stay and read more, but I'm off to scrape off the toothpaste lumps from my sink and stick them in an empty matchbox to keep in my purse for mints.
Love the book cover!
How exciting!
Congrats on the book and the awesome cover for it. It's all so exciting. And I'm glad you decided to talk about it instead of just leaving it at the picture. I suffer from the "different people with different people" syndrome myself, and it's a constant battle to maintain my own identity. Which also means that I understand the mixture of thrill and apprehension when it comes to people reading your writing...granted I'm sure those feelings are multiplied when it's a book and not just a few poems...but still. I'm so excited for you!
First CONGRATULATIONS!!! on your book. That's awsome! and I LOVE the cover. Both of my boys played chess competitively for years so it brought back a lot of memories.
Second, I so get what you were saying about being a certain way with certain people and being another way with other people. I have done that all my life up until the last 2 years or so. To a certain degree, I still am, but am really striving hard to become "my authentic self" rather than the chameleon I've always been. It's hard work I tell ya!
Great post. I love you're blog, I'll be back as soon as I'm back from my trip and thanks for the kind words you left on my blog.
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