Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Watched "it's a Wonderful Life" last night. Great movie. Jay watched it for the first time. Went like this.....

Movie starts - Jay sitting at computer in kitchen, Come on! I say. It's starting. Strange ten year old boy noise coming from kitchen. Big sigh. Okay he says. Drags feet into living room Plops on couch. Pissed.

First fifteen minutes of movie - Fidgeting, Irritation. Visible longing glances at computer. More strange sighs and low grunting.

Thirty minutes in - Clarence appears. Zuzu. Jay's eyes stay on television. No more longing computer looks. Laughter. Interest.

Rest of movie - Focused. More laughter. Intent during the serious parts. Yay!

End of movie - That was good he says.

Today he said it again...That movie last night was really good. I want him to GET some things. Certain movies, some people, the concepts of compassion and honesty. Yeah, I know he's only ten. But he watched the whole movie and he liked it. Made my heart feel good. Great movie.


hermitgirl said...

this was actually the first year i ever watched that movie and it totally surpassed my expectations :) now i know why it's a classic. it rules!
merry christmas!

Becky Mochaface said...

You know, I've never seen all of that movie. I know I should but I never manage to squeeze it in. I should make a point of it.

btw - Thanks for commenting on my blog. Love hearing from new readers! Hope to see you around more!