Remember how when you were a kid, photographs were such an adventure? First, one could only take 12 pictures. TWELVE. Okay, maybe some rolls of film (rolls of film?) could make 24 prints but my mom always got me the 12 size.Then, once you took all the pictures, you had to take the film to the drug store, put it in a little envelope, and leave it there. At least a a week later, maybe even TWO weeks if it was during the holiday season, you could go pick up your measly dozen pictures, of which, if you were lucky, you would have one good picture. Sometimes, in my case, there would be NO pictures because I had not attached that skinny piece of film to the winding mechanism correctly and the film never even advanced as I was snapping all those brilliant snapshots of my cat or my new bike or the Christmas tree. So, I went out today and took some random shots of a hundred....and ended up with five good ones (some things never change).
I have a lilac bush out front that is blooming like mad. And they smell so good.
Barney's paws, which are usually white, after hanging out under the kiln.
The raised bed garden B built. See the "wall of water's" at this end?
Peace out!
Chicken singing "I'm gonna go lay an egg and Squawk louder than you can imagine when I do."
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