Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Proud Parent Moment

Jay and I were leaving the grocery store and Pink Floyd's Learning to Fly was on the radio. I turned it up and said, name that band. Jay sat there, hesitated for a SECOND and said Pink Floyd. Oh my gosh. I screamed, YES! Pink Floyd. I am so proud of you! It was as if he had gotten a scholarship. Those moments are priceless.

Here's a funny story. The scout masters at Boy Scouts had a bit of a mishap last night. They had made a fire and were fusing the ends of ropes. They thought the fire was out, and poured oil on it (??). The oil ignited and one of the scout masters hair caught on fire SLIGHTLY. Jay got a little singe on his hair too. His friend's shirt sleeve toasted up a bit. So, when Jay got in the car with his friend, they couldn't wait to tell me about it. Hmmmmm. It was okay really. Boys love that stuff. As Jay's friend said, no one got SERIOUSLY hurt. Hahahaha. So, when we got home I could smell that smell of burned hair. And I showed him in the mirror how it crinkles your hair up funny. I said, yeah I did that once to my bangs. Jay said, really, how? and it dawned on me that it was once when I was using a lighter a bit too close to my bangs. I don't remember how, I said. I just remember it smelled this same way and crinkled my hair up. I left the room quickly.

Thinking back, It probably happened while I was listening to Pink Floyd.

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