So, I joined the
Flagstaff CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). Every Thursday afternoon I get to go pick up a couple bags of vegetables and fruit, grown in Arizona. Cool. It's not too expensive and it assures that I'll have healthy food in my house.
This last Thursday we got spinach, green onions, beets, golden swiss chard, fennel, tat soi, oranges, and purple carrots. The carrots were yummy and tasted like regular carrots. The golden chard was beautiful but yucky. I fixed it up using a recipe that I got at the veggie pick-up area called Swiss Chard Tian. It had eggs and chard and onions and it was horrible. I guess some people like swiss chard. I'm not one of those people. Although the beauty of that chard, all brilliant yellow and green, was enough. All the food is grown pesticide free and local.
My table is coming along. I made permanent bookends on the bottom shelf with some of Jay's old wooden blocks that I painted. I bought a set of drill bits for the Dremel and they work like a charm. I learned that I drilled the pilot holes too short in the blocks so I'll know better next project (as now two of the screws stick out about a half inch underneath the table).
The blocks are attached to the bottom shelf by screws, with a dab of wood glue for insurance. I've changed plans on this table probably four times. At first I was going to carve things in the wood but decided not too. Now, where as I was going to shallac fortunes onto the top, I'm going to stamp out a quote instead. We'll see what happens. I've been reading all kinds of quotes but can't find the right one. Here's a picture of the table now, with Archie's furry butt off to the side.
I found this quote that I think sums it up for me.....
What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
I have no idea. I've never had a career plan and never will. I just
always make sure that I'm doing something I love at the moment, and I find
out where it takes me. I float downriver, then I wake up and say, 'Oh,
here I am. I've had a swell float.'"
Diane Sawyer, interviewed in US Magazine, September 1997
However, I think this theory works best if you have a ton of cash. Diane Sawyer has a shitload of money and I don't. Darn.