Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I Love To Dance (Metaphoricly)

I have ALL new music, girlfriend! It's taken me forever to pick it all out (note my blog time). So I amused myself by checking out stranger's myspace pages and found this excellent "Who I'd like to meet" which continues...."People who have aspirations and convictions, ethics and thoughtfulness, but aren't afraid to fuck up." I'd like to meet those people too. And, I cannot seem to spell metaphoric-ly and I'm too darn tired to look it up. Plus, I just love to dance; metaphoric-ly, physically, in the living room, in my mind, in the car. Every way possible. It just seemed like an appropriate title, what with the new music and all. Okay, I'm going to bed now.

1 comment:

Imez said...

You know, I just figured out, I think, that the playlist on top of your blog is not the same playlist that was there a week ago, and that you have, in fact, written since then.


Now I know.