Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Kansas II (psych)

I've been agonizing over writing my Kansas II post - not because something huge and emotional happened (or, more likely, something huge and embarrassing), but because I think I said it all in my Kansas I post. I had so much fun, but hey, I was only gone for 5 days. I even wrote a bit last night but it was so borrring. It pretty much went...

Oh I've been remiss. I've been meaning to write "Kansas II" and just haven't had time. So, here was Kansas in a nutshell... in the morning there was waking up, then coffee on the front porch. In the evening there were margaritas on the front porch. Blahblahblah. Neighborhood folks mowing lawns, riding bikes down the street, walking kids or dogs. Mostly, life was sitting on the front porch drinking something. Watching people. Waving to the neighbors. Blahblahblah. I like that life. Never want to live in that life on a regular basis though, just visit it from time to time.

I think there were another couple paragraphs but they are so very not important. So instead I thought I'd show you these nice reading glasses I stole. Yes. I stole them. Went in to my eye doctors to pick up my contacts and started trying on glasses. Nice, expensive reading glasses. Wasted a crapload of time trying on GLASSES that I was never going to BUY. Then, I get home and I have a pair on my head. Hahahahaha. I felt like an idiot. It reminded me of when my dad used to say, you'd forget your head if it wasn't screwed on. So anyway, they have been returned, I said my apologies, and the receptionist stifled a laugh.

I think I'm ready to do another "30 days of ___________." I was inspired by my blog friend, Tyge, who is doing "Thirty days of the simple things that make me smile" on his blog, The Neon Lounge. (which sounds a little goofy, but yesterday it was about dead cock roaches and it made me laugh really hard....check it out). I've done a couple of those blogs already....the "thirty days of beauty" and the "thirty days of blogging" so now I'm going to do (drumroll) "thirty days of recipes" Hahahaha. Not food recipes silly, although maybe I'll throw one of those in, but thirty days of how-to blogs, kind of like recipe poems. Let me explain. A recipe poem is where you poetically tell how to make something, or teach, or tell how something is done. So, I start tomorrow.



Thanks for the plug and I'm looking forward to your recipes!

maggie said...

I love that it's the 12th, and you didn't start your 30 days yet. First recipe: totally reasonable procrastination.

jill or jay said...

I was waiting for someone to catch that. I'm conflicted on what to make my 30 days about.......