Monday, January 28, 2008

A Tiny Story

There's this story about my dad I want to write about but I really want the correct picture to go with it. I have the sits near my desk. But I need to scan the print onto a disk and then transfer it onto my computer. It's just a matter of going to Target or Sam's to get it copied. So, I think about writing this dad blog everyday. I grabbed the picture this morning and was on my way out the door when I thought Hey, I might as well take a few if I'm going to put them on a disk. So, then, I take an hour going through old pictures. Haha, isn't that cute...Isn't that, I gotta get a copy of that one. Finally, I'm on my way to Target with a big envelope of pictures. I scan about 25 and realize I've been at the picture machine in Target for AN HOUR. I decide to finish the one I'm doing and copy onto a disk. Ah-oh, it doesn't scan right... so I push the button marked "previous" and all the pictures I've scanned just disappear. OF COURSE it can be fixed...the girl just needs to hit a few buttons, bring my order back up and...

No, they're gone. She said sorry, and we can give you a $3 off coupon for our photo department. Why would I want $3 off when I'm never going to use the photo department there again?! I said, Actually, I'd like a $10 gift card. She got the okay (I must have looked distraught) and I came home.

Tomorrow I'll try again. Soon, the dad blog. With picture. And I'm going to use that whole ten dollar gift card on Starbuck's coffee.

1 comment:

Whispering Willow said...

Aw, that's a bummer and frustrating. At least though, you had the chutzpah to ask for the $10 gift card. In situations like that I tend to buckle into psuedo-politeness and resignation...haha, I wonder how many Starbucks coffees I have missed out on because of this...

Anywho, I hope you do get that picture scanned and get to tell the story about your dad. :)