Saturday, March 22, 2008

Say Cheese

I put my picture on my profile. I've been sitting here for a flipping hour deciding which one, if any, to put on. The reason this one won out was mainly because I liked that I'm a little "left of center" in it and I AM. A little left of center. Plus it's the one in the back of my book. My son took it. I can look better, I can look worse, but it looks like how I FEEL. And now I feel like a total arrogant dork for WRITING about my picture. This all started earlier today. I was thinking how, when I read other people's blogs, I really like seeing who they are physically. Or at least how they would like to be seen physically. Some people have these great artistic photos, where they aren't quite smiling but they look very intriguing and cool. I didn't have one of those. Haha. And then some people have pictures of themselves brushing their teeth or standing there with their mouth open so wide you could land a plane in there, and THEY'RE so cool they don't even care. That ain't me either. When I started my blog last July, I decided I was never going to have my face on there, you know, maybe a picture of me riding a bike but I'm riding away instead of towards the camera. STUPID. And then I also remembered how, as a kid, I read all those Laura Ingalls Wilder books like Little House on the Prairie. And then when it became a show, none of those people looked like how I thought they were gonna look and it kind of pissed me off. So, considering the plethora of folks that entertain me with their pictures, I decided to join in.

(Five minutes pass while I try to figure how to redeem myself for WRITING about my picture. I see Li-Young Lee's book of poems on my table and turn it over to look at his picture. He has that cool and intriguing thing going. Damn. I thumb through the book looking for a poem on photos or self or perception but nothing fits. THEN, I find a poem I love, even though it doesn't fit with this post.)

And the moral of this story is....if writing about my own goofy picture ends with a poem by Li-Young Lee, I'm okay with that :)

One Heart
Look at the birds. Even flying
is born
out of nothing. The first sky
is inside you, open
at either end of day.
The work of wings
was always freedom, fastening
one heart to every falling thing.


cd said...

Relax. You're NOT an arrogant dork. Maybe a goof with nerdist tendencies. But it is nice to see your face.

Jen said...

I love the picture! I wondered what you looked like and for some reason pictured you as a blonde. I had trepidations about posting my pic as well, hence I'm hiding behind Mr. Cooper in my shot. Also, I sent Johnny a card with "Leap and the net will appear" just recently...I love that thought and will be practicing it shortly!