Thursday, May 8, 2008


I used to rearrange the furniture in my house all the time. Every other month or so, I'd spend an evening moving the couch, putting the plants in different places and changing what tables the lamps all sat on. It made the place feel like a new house. I used to experience change by moving to a new town or going to a different school. I still love change, but in smaller doses. I love the change of the seasons here. I love the house I'm in, the town I live in and the friends I have. So, when I moved this time and after all my furniture was put where I wanted it, I looked around and thought, wow, I like this layout. I thought, I might not change this furniture around for a long time. So, now I think I'll be fairly content with changing my blog look occasionally, switching out my eating utensil drawer (that's a funny one when people are used the spoons being in one place and then they have to hunt for makes them think they're CRAZY), and moving the outdoor furniture around on the back deck. And I put my music back on too. I'd gotten e-mails and comments about it...and I missed it too. Now it's up to you to turn it on.

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