Thursday, January 29, 2009

The beauty of the first hug

and I don't mean the first hug in an adult relationship, which also has a shiverallthroughyourcosmos beauty. I'm talking the first hug from someone not related to you when you're in fifth grade and you've never been hugged by someone like that in your whole life kind of hug. And my boy told me about it today, smiling, fiddling with his fedora (yeah, really, a fedora), kind of shy but wanting to tell me. A girl likes him. And he likes her too. "Well, you know, mom, like a friend."

That smile was NOT a like-a-friend kind of smile. It was sweet and slightly embarrassed. When he told me, he was about an hour past that hug but I could see he was still held by it. Enveloped in that innocent, heart filling beauty.

Don't worry, the "beauty" posts won't all be sappy. I find all kinds of weird, bizarre things to be perfectly beautiful too and I'm sure I'll share them with you.

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