Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thirty days of something

I do not really notice beauty anymore. This is, thankfully, a temporary condition. I realized it tonight, after a Northern Arizona Bookfest meeting, as I walked to my car. I was in a parking lot, wet pavement from melting snow, scattered pedestrians walking about, noise from cars and people. I looked up, and there, above me, was a beautiful sky. Very light teal on the horizon, seeping up into a darker, cerulean, and then getting all rich and cobalt at the top of the sky. The moon, just a sliver (as a child I always called it a fingernail moon) lay cupped like a rocking horse rocker and above it was a planet (which I decided was Venus because I think any planet I see in the sky is Venus). Man, it was just absolutely beautiful. And that's when I thought, I never see this beauty. I'm beauty immune at the moment. I will not, at this time, bemoan how busy I am. I will not fill you in on my days, which consist largely of work, work, computer, class prep, and my child's homework, with some laundry and dishwashing thrown in. Back when I started this blog, I was beginning my one year of opus and I found beauty EVERYWHERE. I searched it out, I found it under rocks and pieces of wood, I created it damnit. I, at least, thought about it. Now, it seemed like some odd shock to my system to even glimpse a great sky.

Also, I've been really remiss about the frequency of my blog writing. I liked the 30 day goal I set myself up for a couple months ago. Here's what I think. I think I'm someone who needs to have goals and purpose. I write more and better with a deadline. If I set parameters and make rules, I usually do a much better job. Not only that, I enjoy it. So, here I go again....thirty days of something beautiful. Each day. My opinion. One beautiful thing. And I'm going to blog it. The old, twobirdswithonestone idea. Consistent blogs/search for beauty.

1/28 - 2/28

Tonight, the sky. Immense, blue, silent on it's own and holding tight to all the noise in the parking lot. Cold, breathable, mysterious. Beautiful.

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