Thursday, March 19, 2009


Well, the whole insight/epiphany thing appears to be a wash. I MAY have another insight or epiphany in my life but they seem to come few and far between. Actually, I think I might have had all the insights possible, and now I just know everything. Hahahah. So, the 30 days of insight is not going to happen. I'll be sure and send out an alert when I have one but don't expect much.

Instead, it's just a random day. Stan, who was featured in the Stan's man post, does have another man, who has already lost quite a bit of stuffing. But Stan's dog love shines through and he himself placed his man cozily close for nap time. I'm now buying those funny little men by the three pack.

Here's a really unappetizing picture of my dinner. BUT, it was really good. The orange colored food is MASHED POTATOES. Yes, mashed Idaho and SWEET potatoes. It's so good. And it's good for you! And, it's ORANGE. I put a little sour cream in them and Jay loves 'em. The other thing on the plate is tuna and noodles. This is one of my favorite foods. My mom used to always make it for me on my birthday. It's a comfort food for me. Just in case you want to make it, it's easy....Take a 2 quart pan, boil some noodles, drain, add one can of healthy choice cream of mushroom soup, a bit of milk, a can of tuna (albacore packed in water?), and some cheese. Heat until warm.

I worked today and was very tired when I got home. I even napped, which I NEVER do. When I got up, around 4ish, I planted seeds in these Jiffy greenhouse cups. I planted broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, pumpkins and cantaloupe. I'm going to plant lettuce and onions outside tomorrow (cool weather crops).
With the weather getting warmer, I just want to garden. Last year I didn't have a garden at all. I was busy moving back to my most wonderful house, and getting ready to travel to Kansas. This year, I'm going to garden again. That dirt just does my heart good. So, I have moments when I don't want to go to work. I mean, like I NEVER want to go to work again. And this is even a job I like. With benefits. And free coffee. I think about how great my year of opus was, and sometimes I miss it. But I have to work. And, I realized, I HAVE to garden. The dirt, the act of sprouting, the flowers on a pumpkin vine, and the beautiful smell of it all mixed together. Ahhhh. Coming out of winter (yes, I know it's going to snow again). But the season is changing. I'm ready. And speaking of...tomorrow is the first day of spring.

1 comment:


One of the things I miss the most about Nashville (second only to Krystal cheeseburgers) are sweet potatoes. It seems every local restaurant offers it as a side-dish (mashed, baked, scalloped--even fries). God I love and miss my sweet potatoes. Some places in Vegas are now serving sweet potatoe fries, but not enough.