Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wild at Heart

You know what's cool? To see a couple so in love, so enthralled with the other that they cannot take their eyes off each other. I felt the need to write about that tonight, because I've seen it develop. I've seen this beautiful love take hold and blossom. I'm talking about Stan and Stan's Man. They spend most of the day together. They sprawl on the couch, Stan's head resting on his Man. They go outside together, and then, if the Man is missing, Stan searches all over the backyard until he finds his Man and brings him inside to warm by the fire. Of course, as history would have it, very soon, Stan, in his final act of crazy love, will chew all the cotton stuffing out of his Man. He will bite the small plastic noise maker into a million pieces. He will do it with pure and absolute love.

In the end. I'll have to take Stan to a short speed dating session at Petsmart where he will find his next Man. It's a beautiful thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dog has a thing for lambs...stuffed, squeaky lambs. She shows her affection by slowly and meticulously chewing each limb away from the body so all that is left is a legless lamb. Then she thrashes the body about and chases it when it goes flying from the grip of her teeth. In calmer moments she just licks the belly until she works her way through the skin, stuffing and squeaker. It's an interspecies kind of love. :D