Saturday, February 7, 2009

Two Days

Okay, it;s February 7th. I missed the sixth. And the beauty of February 6th is that I can miss a day and it's okay. The beauty lies in writing about the excellence of the day the NEXT day. I didn't get it the last time I did a 30 day blog commitment I thought I had to be PERFECT. But it's really okay to miss a day. So, today I write about them both.

Yesterday, the 6th, was busy. It's my birthday weekend, which starts off my birthday week. The whole day was packed full. Work, then a play date, that included a raucous game of kickball, boys against moms. Then the grocery store and home for an evening party. I was busy! The beauteous part was the whole flipping day; I have a job I like, friends to play kickball with, a good man who helped with the party, and then all of the good mans relatives who came over for drinks and chili and KARAOKE! So, it was one big fat beautiful day and I was too involved in it to write about it.

Then today was a continuation of the birthday weekend. It started out a bit more precarious....went to the health food store for a chocolate tasting, which was a complete failure, what with a freaking bazillion people milling about, and I ran into a small child (who hopped back up off the floor and was FINE), and then I dropped my phone and the battery shot off and as I picked it up, B backed into a stack of glass soda bottles which teetered and came very close to crashing to the floor. We high tailed it out of there and headed out to Cost Plus. Tonight, I had dinner with four girlfriends and just got home. So, today's greatness was either dancing to Tina Turner in my friend Cody's kitchen, or, running outside at 10:30 pm and drawing chalk outlines of ourselves on the neighbor's driveway. Hmmm, toss up for the most perfect moment.

Yeah, beauty, in the eye of the beholder.

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