Thursday, March 25, 2010

Heap Big Winter

Shed before snow.....

Shed after snow......

We saw Alice in Wonderland. Not the 3/D version because I find that a little distracting the first time through a movie. I loved it. It was so WEIRD. Speaking of weird, I'm trying to buy a Mr Peanut Peanut Butter Maker off e-bay. I had one when I was a kid. It made great peanut butter. Now don't y'all go bidding on one right now because I need to win mine first. They make really good peanut butter, which come to think of it, I'm really not that crazy about. I think I want it because my mom and dad got me one for Christmas one year and I had so much fun cranking that handle and being so amazed when ACTUAL peanut butter emerged from Mr Peanut's ear area. B and I are getting ready to work on cutting apart the shed. We're also going to move the garden box so I can start planting peas. Even though we could realistically get another snow, I'm thinking winter might just be over. I'm ready for the garden and tank tops and opening all the windows in the house and watching my paper piles blow all over, while standing in the middle of the room thinking, "Ahhhh. It's springtime."

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