Friday, March 12, 2010

Starbucks Tales

The woman taxi driver in the Starbucks drive thru today. For reals.
(I've been wanting to write "for reals" for a couple weeks now. Hahahaha.)
But really. For reals.

Barista - Hi! Welcome to Starbucks! My name is Marcia! What can I get started for you? Would you like to try our Dark Cherry Mocha?

Taxi Lady - Is this Betty? Hi Betty!

Barista - No, this isn't Betty. What can I get for you?

Taxi Lady - It sounds like Betty. What's your name?

Barista - This is Marcia. What can I get for you?

Taxi Lady - That's a pretty name. I'll have a JFK.

Barista - Thank you. And I have no idea what you ordered but if you tell me what it is, I can make it for you.

(Barista is now gritting her teeth. And still smiling)

Taxi Lady - A JFK. You know, three shots.

Barista - Oh.

Barista - Okay.

(Taxi Lady pulls forward and runs into the car ahead of her)

(Like she needs more caffeine)



Anonymous said...

too bad i wasn't there to see that.

Unknown said...

HAHAHA no way!!!!!!! That lady is a nut and a half, wish I could have been there to see that! Good thing I wasn't though, I probably couldn't have contained my hysterical laughter !