Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Get busy living, or get busy dying.

I love Shawshank Redemption. Wow. What a movie. I didn't watch it tonight (I watched American Idol!), but it's one of my top 3 movies of all time. Andy Dufrain is the classic common-man hero. He's honest and good and Innocent of the crime he was convicted of. He's also willing to break the "law" to get his life back. He hurts no one. And helps many. I love the scene when he's escaping. Also the scene when Morgan Freeman leaves the prison and heads to Mexico. If you don't shed a tear in this movie, you must be the tin man and I would advise you follow the yellow brick road to go find a heart. If you haven't seen it, rent it now.



That's for damn sure.

I'm watching Shawshank right now, and for the ump-hundreth time.

It's a beautifully written and filmed movie, and I quote it often, although most people don't get it.

Sometimes after watching it, I'll dust-off my harmonica and play the one song I know.

jill or jay said...

Tyge - I think with all your music posts, you need a little clip of this alleged harmonica playing.

Hey, are you still writing fiction?

beansai said...

Hahaha, okay, so I am totally guilty of being one of those people that hasn't cried at all during this movie. Now, don't get me wrong, it is absolutely a brilliant and moving film, I love it! There is just something about movies that doesn't make me cry. I can watch the biggest tear-jerker ever and I don't cry. I might might might get a little misty-eyed, but that's about it.

Books, on the other hand, can make me bawl like a baby! lol!