I was reminded today, by my friend Tracy, of this great quote......
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs - ask yourself what makes you
come alive, and then go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
---Harold Whitman
It's in my quote file but I had, yes indeed, forgotten about it. And I LOVE it. And now I must go look up Harold Whitman, who supposedly uttered these fine words, and find out what was going on with him.
(Run downstairs, throw in laundry, change Sally - the turtle's - water and scrub her with a toothbrush, let out Archie the dog, get the mail, thumb thru People Magazine - Britney is really losing her mind, look in Jay's room for a watch, at his request, can't find the watch, sit back down at computer and type in Harold Whitman, find nothing except for the quote)
I'm back. And it appears that the above quote was Harold's one and only claim to fame. I'm thinking that he was too alive and far too busy to sit around coming up with quotes. And so, the thought for the day....what makes you come alive?
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