Here is my bath towel (and I thought I'd run out of things to write about. Haha). As you can see, it's not folded nicely. It's rather flung over the towel bar. Same with the hand towel. I used to fold my towels very neatly. The tri-fold if you will. Hold the towel vertically, fold a third toward the middle, the other third back toward the middle and then hang on the rack. In a hurry? Hold the towel vertical and just fold in half lengthwise, then hang on rack. Make sure the ends are even (dammit). Well, those days are over.
At first, I had a little anxiety about the flung-on-the-rack towel. Sometimes I would even go back after an hour and fold it properly. Ahhh-h-h. Much better. But over the last six months, I've relaxed about the towel. And today, when I looked at it, I realized, this is the way I hang my towel now. It's easy and quick, it still drys fine, and I kinda like the way it looks. No harsh edges, just fluffy, wavy cotton. I still make the bed in the morning, although I've never been one for those tight corners, and occasionally I see odd pieces of the flat sheet sticking out from under the bed spread. But having the spread be all smooth and even on top is wonderful.
I used to have this right-angle fetish about my desk and papers and that's about gone too. It's not that I don't like things neat, it's just that I don't have a conniption anymore if they're not. I get to it when I can, I don't forfeit art or writing or my mom or my child for the sake of cleaning these days. I could put off writing for hours because I needed to get the kitchen clean...and the clothes put away....and my car emptied (and this last one could easily be a two hour chore). Now, I just write the darn poem. It feels so good :)
For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about
to begin--real life. But there was always some obstacle
in the way, something to be gotten through first, some
unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to
be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me
that these obstacles were my life.
-- Alfred D. Souza
1 comment:
LIFE, is what happens when you're writing a blog.
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