Friday, October 3, 2008


watch this

A friend of mine sent me this short film. I thought it was really interesting and I liked it. It's a little graphic in a place or two (I think there's a breast somewhere. Okay, I do not usually consider a "breast" graphic but there are those times that children stand behind you peering over your shoulder, which by the way, makes me CRAZY, but since I don't know your family boundaries on viewing breasts, just thought I'd mention it). It made me happy that people are out there doing unique art. Seeing things like this makes me want to write more poems and paint more furniture, to take classes and read more books, to take more chances. It always makes me think the same thing going to see my mom used to make me think...Live Your Life Now. I have a cool digital camera that I don't even know how to use aside from taking video of Jay playing basketball. Why? Why aren't I being more creative with my resources? Well damn, I guess it's up to me.

1 comment:

Imez said...

Well I finally watched it.

It cannot be watched with a cynical mind, or even a bad mood.

I need to rewatch it when I'm happy.