Saturday, October 25, 2008

Day 8 (file under employment)

One thing I haven't written about lately is my job status. In a nutshell, I really don't want to work. I would prefer to get up in the morning, have a nice rich steaming cup of coffee, read the paper and take a shower. Next, get the child to school. Then, driving home from the school, experience the absolute joy of deciding what to do next. Hmmmmm, I think I'll clean for an hour (I LOVE housework), then I'll write for a bit. I'll putter around the house for the next hour, listening to NPR or The White Stripes or Theory of a Deadman or some other radio hoo-ha. I'll water plants and take care of animals. Then, I'll paint a table, or clean some more. I might head out to target or wander about the yard, looking for good rocks or leaves or bird nests. Write some more, check e-mail, rearrange some furniture. Think about dinner. There. That's the day I want.

Well, reality sure bitch slapped me!!! I have to work. Yes, I need to produce an income. And no one will pay me for the above mentioned day. Damn.

It's not like I've never worked before. I've had jobs!!! I spent some of my youth waitressing. I managed a coffee shop in Los Gatos, and taught kindergarten in a small private school. I've driven an ice cream truck and worked retail. Here in Flagstaff I worked for City Hall as a clerk typist (YUUUCCCKKKK!). I've also had several of my own businesses, the most successful and enjoyable being owning a wine shop for seven years. I've taught school at the community college level for 8 years. And I've usually had at least two jobs at a time. Then I took a couple years off. One to finish my book, then a second year to have my year of opus. Man, did I get spoiled. And poor. I got poor. So, these last few months I've been searching for the right fit.

I found it. This coming Tuesday I start work at Starbucks. Whooo - hoo! I am truly excited. I worked at Remax Realty for a month or so. It wasn't a bad job. The two guys I worked for were really nice. But things slowed down. It really wasn't me. I would get a huge tension knot from typing in all that data and reviewing escrows. Now, I get to chat with folks. I get to be the queen of customer service and make COFFEE. I even love that I have to wear a uniform. The bonus.....a free pound of coffee a week. I am so up for this.

1 comment:

JobSearchNinja said...

In order to win the best jobs and ultimately your dream job in today's world, you have to work like a ninja. Your job search must be different than everyone else's. You have to search where others don't search. You must have a strategic plan of attack.