Monday, October 20, 2008

Day 3 (file under truth)

I need all of you to know about this great website.....

They get to the bottom of any rumor and tell you the facts. They are totally NOT affiliated with any political party, in fact, politics is just one of about a hundred headings on their site (sports, entertainment, financial, Disney, etc). It is a great site for finding out the truth, although you might be disappointed when you find out, no, Obama is NOT a radical Muslim.

I am not going to get political (although I did vote today....early voting rocks!) but I have to educate the masses on this one thing. If you're sending out, or if you receive, a "factual" e-mail about either candidate, or if you heard a rumor about Bruce Willis dating Drew Barrymore (I made that up), or if you just think that we never really went to the moon but filmed the landing in Studio 7 at Universal Studios, go to

And please, have the common sense to check out what the real truth is before sending off uneducated, fear-based, e-mails.

1 comment:

Imez said...

Jesus just don't send out fear based emails.

I'm still worried that my tampons are made of fiberglass to make me bleed more.

Thank you for the snopes, just what a girl like me needs.