Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Day 4 (file under stupid mom tricks)

So, last year, on the day of my son's parent/teacher conference, I decided to clean out the garage. I worked and worked. Man, that garage looked better. My conference was scheduled at 4:00. I picked Jay up at 3:00 and went home and kept working on the garage. At 5:15 I went, AUUGGGGHHHHH, and jumped in the car and drove like a crazy person to the school. Of course I had missed the conference. It wasn't because of illness or accident or an emergency. It wasn't a fire or spontaneous combustion. It was because, although I thought about it at NOON, it had left my brain by 3:45.

Jump ahead to today. Jay's conference was scheduled for 4:15, the same time his sport practice would be over. I thought about that conference at 10:00 this morning. Again at 2:00. At 4:10 I thought to myself, "I have to go pick up Jay" I looked around the kitchen and couldn't find my shoes. So I thought, "Oh well, I'll just go through the drive-through and have him run out to the car" COMPLETELY having forgotten the conference. I pull up, WITH MY SOCKS ON, and he doesn't come out. Man, I get frustrated. "Where are you?!" I'm thinking as I sit there waiting. I see his teacher and him in the hall, then they go into his class. I park the car, get out in my socks and walk in. His teacher looks at me and smiles, "Are you ready to talk for a few minutes? We weren't sure if you were going to make it" The puzzle that is my mind suddenly fits together. THE CONFERENCE. I smile, walk in the classroom. "Sorry I'm a bit late" I steal a glance at the clock. 4:22. Damn. Jay looks at my feet. "How come..." he starts. I am a twit. I smile and say, "Oh, I was running late and wanted to get here for your conference so I just hopped in the car. I thought my shoes were in the back seat and when I got here, they weren't. Sorry." At this moment, Jay's teacher looked at my feet, then at hers, "Yeah, I just wore these slipper type things today" she said, pointing to her moccasins (Thank you).

Next year, I am SO there on time.

1 comment:

Princess in Galoshes said...

Ha! That's so something I would do. :-) Thanks for stopping by!