Tuesday, November 11, 2008

#24 (file under drug of choice)

I'm sitting here in a swanky hotel room, pajamas on, ready to crawl into that cozy bed with the 1200 thread count sheets. My purse is a little lighter, but not empty. I did not buy a time-share. I call it a success. The highlight of the time share was when the salesman, a very nice man named Patrick, was telling me about the benefits of deed ownership, and how I can put that time share in my will. He said something to the affect of, "You can insure that your son will be able to have vacations in five star hotels after you're gone" and I think I belly laughed so loudly I startled several other possible time-share victims. Honey, I thought, you do not know me if you think I'm going to do anything that affords my son future nice vacations. He can foot the bill for his own luxury stays.

I know several people who do not ever need to come to Vegas. I understand. I like hiking too! I like watching the Daily Show with John Stewart and drinking hot tea! I do not NEED to throw money at strangers while a little white ball rolls around a circle of numbers! But once every 12 months, I want to do that! I want to feel that rush as the ball slips suddenly, effortlessly into 17 black. I want to watch as a woman in a red and black get-up, that looks surprisingly like what the flying monkeys wore in the Wizard of Oz, pushes a huge pile of poker chips my way. I don't even mind losing. I'll PAY just to play the game. I love a nice glass of wine, but gambling is my drug of choice during my once a year Vegas jaunt.

I have pictures I'll post soon. A couple good stories. And officially it's the 11th (yes, I was out gambling too late) so I did sort of miss my 10 of November post (although, I vaguely remember a rule from my youth that said that it wasn't the next day until you had slept, so I'm going to invoke that here).

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