The words prosaic and ennui are pretty words that basically mean boring.
Cold as a witch's _ _ _ is one of the most disgusting phrases know to man (IMHO).
Oh, but it is that cold here.
The cell phones/driving combination will someday be recognized as the true start of the decline of western civilization
Chickens do not lay eggs when they're cold.
A fresh coat of paint makes anything look clean....for a week.
Everyone secretly wants to be in an organization that has a cool handshake.
No matter what ipod or cell phone or computer I get, a better/cheaper/cooler model will be released the next day.
Celebrity mug shots are ALWAYS funny.
"No matter what ipod or cell phone or computer I get, a better/cheaper/cooler model will be released the next day."
SO TRUE! I love and hate technology because of this. Only a few weeks after I bought my MacBook they came out with the complete redesign with Aluminum casing and LED screen and glass and prettiness and oh I wanted it, but what I have is perfectly good, so it's just silly to want more. Anyway, that made me laugh because my tech-junkie friends and I talk about this issue a lot.
I'm told that it's not the cold that keeps hens from laying, but an insufficiently-long period of light. When we put a light with a timer in their house at night, it seems to increase production.
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