Thursday, November 6, 2008

Day 20 (file under sleepy)

Conan O'Brian is on the television. That means it's after 11:30 pm. I'm really tired. I used to love to stay up really late. Conan was the start of my tv watching for the evening. There was this show on VH1 called Insomniac Theater that started around 1:30 am that I would catch all the time. I've never had insomnia, I just did my house cleaning at night. Now, I prefer sleep. When I was little, I had this great canopy bed. I believed I was a princess and my parents didn't really discourage that thought. Here's my two nephews, Jerry and Jim, and I, enthroned in the canopy bed, reading Nurse Nancy (I loved that book because there were real band-aids in the back). We loved reading in bed even then. I remember when I lived in L.A., and Suzy and I would START getting ready to go out at 10:00 pm. We would leave the house by 11:00 and stay out until 4:00. That is so crazy to me now. Yes, it was fun. Yes, I'm glad we were there. But man, give me a 8:30 bedtime (for me, not my son) and I am happy. Now, with laptop computers, I can type, check out e-mails, and download music while cozy with tea. (Sarah Silverman is on Conan...if you haven't seen her Matt Damon clip, google her and watch it. You will howl) Plus, there is a stack of books right next to me. I'm reading the last book of that teenage vampire series (Yes, I know), and a book called, How Starbucks Saved my Life, which is really good. So, I suppose.......zzzzzzz

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm honered to have made the blog as me. JD