Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Day 26

No pictures yet, just a story.

My son and his friend M are in the same class at school. Their teacher asked the class on Friday if anyone had big plans for the holiday. Some kids were going to see relatives over the long weekend. Some kids were going on family vacations. Jay and M excitedly told the class about the Vegas trip. "are you going with your families?" their teacher asked. "no, just our moms" the boys said. "What in the world are you two going to do in Vegas? she asked.

Well, Monday night the four of us were walking down the strip. A woman in a bluish long jacket and high heels was standing out in the parking lot of one of the "free shows here" and "four tee-shirts for $10" strip malls. Jackie, M's mom, was taking pictures and wandered over to the woman. She had a pink feathery plume sticking about four feet high as a hat. Very "show girlie." She was quite pretty under all the make-up, and was just chatting away with anyone who would walk over. She told Jackie that she accepts tips, and, she would love to take a picture with the boys. The boys stood next to her, and she took their hands and placed them behind her. Then, she smiled, pulled the boys in close, and her nice long jacket flew open and she was pretty much barely dressed. There was a lot of bare skin there! And Jackie got the picture and there's our boys, smiling those 10 year old boy smiles, next to the woman with very little clothing on.

I'm sure that when their teacher asks what they did in Las Vegas, they'll be more than happy to share their experience.

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