The Garden Queen has an announcement.....what she thought was a cantaloupe is actually a pumpkin!! Holy schmoly.

(She has been demoted to Garden Princess.) I kept waiting for that brown, mesh-like skin to grow and it never did. It was just as smooth and shiny as a little green bald head. On one hand, I'm so happy to have a few (4) pumpkins but on the other hand, I really wanted to see how the cantaloupe got those skins. Next year, I guess. What happened, I think, was that I threw a bunch of rich
vermicomposting soil in the area, and also planted cantaloupe seedlings. The vermicomposting stuff had seeds, tiny bits of egg shell and dark perfect worm poop, and various vegetal matter all mixed up. Some things were dyin' and some things were growin' and I ended up with pumpkins. I've also been pulling turnips out of the ground and I LOVE them. They've grown so well, and are fat and the tops are bushy and full.

I have about a dozen bell peppers that might get ripe before October. Right now, gardening is a race. How big can you get before the snow falls!?
My mom said a full sentence today. That's a rare thing. Jay and I were in there feeding the beautiful lady a little pureed whatsit, and she was so very tired. Jay wheeled her back in her room and said, "You must be tired today" (because we always talk to her about everything - chatter chatter) and she looked at him, eyes open and alert and spouted out, "Yes, I am tired today." Jay and I looked at each other, totally stupified. I just know that she understands more than we think. I have realized, and am very thankful, that this One Year Of Opus has allowed me to care for my mom in ways I would not have been able to had I been doing the 9 - 5 thing. I cannot imagine making any other choice at this point. In fact, if there is one single sentence from this entire year-long blog experience that I would metaphorically
bold, it's "I have realized, and am very thankful, that this One Year Of Opus has allowed me to care for my mom in ways I would not have been able to had I been doing the 9 - 5 thing." There is a strange and wonderful joy in taking two hours of the day, making yourself just sit and be still and feed the person who fed you at another time, in that childhood life that's way back there in the vault of our memory. To figure out the best way to get liquids into her body, and to know to tip the spoon with the pureed whatsit just so, so that the food stays in, and each bit is big enough to eat but not too big to choke on. I love it. I look forward to it. I LOVE her. And when she looks at Jay and I, and gives a little laugh (which she did once today) we just giggle ourselves silly.
I've also had time to start goofy art pieces. I'm going to track my progress with this on my blog...well, all two steps of it so far.

First, I started off with an old beat up drawer. I sanded it and painted it. I picked out the paint because of the names...late tomato, marigold, Neptune, waterway, carrot, purple fruit) I wasn't real happy with the "late tomato" as I think it has way too much pink. Although I painted the whole damn drawer with it before I realized it was too pink. So, I've reworked it a couple times and yesterday I used yellow (marigold) painted on top of the dry late tomato, then smushed with wadded up plastic wrap. I like it much better now. I have some funny ideas for the inside; pictures, strange little trinkets, bits of quotes and poems.

So, I'll add pictures here as I work on it. I'm interested in the process of art pieces and writing and living and healing and disease and growing food and growing children. When I write poems, I usually have an idea and I let it bake in my head for days or even months. Then, when I come up with, what I think, is the perfect first line, I begin to write. With art, I just start. I take a thing, like a drawer or a table, and just start painting. I figure it out as I go, I repaint, I add bits, make stripes or cover up mistakes with more paint. I find it much wilder than writing and I like doing both...they kind of work off each other for me. And the hats.....I love making the hats. I may not have incredible talent, but I'm just flaming with enthusiasm ;)
I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error, by
risking, by giving, by losing.
--Anais Nin, Writer (1903-1977)